Photography Gift Certificates
Please Check us out from time ot time for Specials...
228.220.4833 Gulfcoast | MS
call us... today
504.899.9394 New Orleans

How can a Photograph Make all the difference in the world?
If someone is browsing Google and they find your Website their, they will call you based on what they see within your pages. If you show quality content - especially Photographs they will call you. Quality Images make all the difference in the world.


Photography Questions?
We would love to answer whatever questions you have. Please contact us.
News of our studio location in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.

Photography Classes & Workshops as Gifts, Check it out...
Mississippi Coast | Beginning Photography

Mississippi -- Beginning Photography
Workshops, & Coaching | Weekedays & Weekends - Individuals & Small Groups
Beginning Photography Classes | MISSISSIPPI
Beginners | Classes & Workshops
Beginners Photography Workshops. You love photography and want do more than just shoot pictures from your phone. Do you want to understand photography rather than simply put your camera in Automatic or Program mode? We teach you the various functions and tools that go into digital photography. Cameras, composition, computers and software are all the functioning elements that make up digital photography in 2022. The computer - Better known as the Digital Darkroom are touched upon...We have Workshops and individual classes. Our classes are 2 - 3 hours long and workshops can be half days or Full days. We offer 1 to 3 classes per segment and 1 and two day workshops or more depending on what you want to work on.
"If you want to get a good working knowledge of your camera these classes or workshops are for you!"

Beginners Photography Coaching Available
Beginning Photography Coaching... Vicki Stanwycks, your Photography Coach, will evaluate where you are now with your photography, and make suggestions based on where you are now and your photography goals. If you want to get better at photography, there are several coaching options available for you. Photography coaching is a great way to start shooting right away!
Intermediate Photography | Coaching, Classes & Workshops
Intermediate Photography Workshops and Classes. The purpose of these classes is to exercise an intermediate shooter to understand light, color and the direct relationships and effects each have in the creation of images.
Enhance your technique and abilities to compose and shoot faster. Composition and the computer - Better known as the Digital Darkroom...We have Workshops and individual classes. Our classes are 2 - 3 hours long and workshops can be half days or Full days. We offer 1 to 3 classes per segment and 1 and two day workshops or more depending on what you want to work on.

The gift of Photography any time of year,
Winter, Spring Summer or Fall...
Mardi Gras 2025 -- and you can come to one of our Mardi Gras Workshops

"If you take pretty good photos in Auto Mode & other functions, yet want more out of your photography journey."
"I attended Vicki's photography workshop for beginners earlier this year, and it was an excellent experience. Looking forward to attending more!" --James Fanguy
"I took a one on one class with Ms. Vicki, and it was absolutely amazing. She was such a nice person and made me feel extremely comfortable. In the few days I was there, she taught me a lot and made me more confident with capturing photographs. I am hoping to take more classes with her in the future to further my love for photography. I would definitely recommend her to anyone I know that it is interested in photography. Thank you Ms. Vicki!" -Tyniesha Williams
Sessions in Studio or On-Location
Headshots for every age group...

"From the Beginning, We like to get it right for our clients..."
The Shoot, Retouching & Image Enhancement
Stanwycks Studio offers a full range of processing, Retouching and Graphic Design services. We do our best to get it right in the camera and with lighting. However things that already exist sometimes are a part of an original photo and need retouching Worried about a blemish? We take care of it.
Our techs enhance photographs every day including teeth whitening, hair, scars, glasses, etc. Our skilled techs can fix it, no problem...
Design & Marketing for Companies and Individuals
You may need your images for the Web, Magazines, Ads, etc. including social media.
We can shoot what ever you need. Are you working with an art director, an agency or a graphic design firm?
Perhaps you have seen us around town...
Perhaps you have seen us shooting around the coast. We shoot on location, offices, casinos for events, some local advertising, Executives, and some not so pretty stuff like industrial photography.
Call Stanwycks Photography today
Phone: 228.220.4833 | 504.899.9394
e-mail us at [email protected]