Gulfport Photo & Photo Skillz
Photography Workshops
Travel & Location

On-Location & Travel Photography
Photography Workshops
travel & Location Photography

New Orleans On-Location Digital Photography Workshops
Getting better at shooting on the fly
Our aim is to enhance your ability to capture spontaneous shots effortlessly, ensuring you are always prepared for unexpected moments, wherever you may be.
In photography, a moment can pass by in an instant. With proper preparation, you can seize that moment and immortalize it forever. Location Photography is essentially Travel Photography, where you find yourself in new surroundings, eager to capture memorable images. At Stanwycks, we strive to equip you with the skills to seize these opportunities.
Call Stanwycks Today
Call us today to see if we schedule a workshop or we can work with you individually to help you find your inner photographer, who can make images anywhere and fast.
Being Prepared During Challenging Location Situations
We cover many of the creative tools that we have at our fingertips to make images tell the story of where you are and using your camera as the storyteller.
Some Locations have tricky Lighting conditions, difficult places to shoot, tight spaces, crowds, and essentially obstacles. If you are prepared with your gear and how you carry your tools and self you can get through it with great images...
We can show you how to get good images in challenging situations by being prepared. And sometimes all the preparation in the world is not enough and that is where Intuition plays a big role...

Gulfport Photo Teaches On- Location Photography Techniques
We work in the studio offer and discuss Tips, Tricks and Photography Do's and Don'ts, Gear and a whole host of things... While You Are On-Location
Phone: 228.220.4833 | 504.899.9394
Travel Photography Anywhere USA
On-Location Photography Workshops and Classes

Thrilling Sense of Adventure
On-location photography offers a thrilling sense of adventure and creativity. Capturing the essence of a place requires not just technical skill but also an artistic eye to appreciate and utilize the natural surroundings.
The changing light, local culture, and spontaneous moments all contribute to creating memorable and impactful images.

Packing & Planning
On - Location Photography is an interesting genre in that you have to pack it so you have it...
"Because mostly there is no going back to get more gear," or "You can’t readily buy it if you are in another country' or not near shopping areas. Therefore, meticulous planning and preparation are crucial."
Each location presents unique challenges, whether it's the unpredictable weather, limited access to power sources, or the need to carry equipment over long distances.

Unexpected Stories
Prepare for the unexpected
For many photographers, the joy of on-location work lies in its unpredictability and the opportunity to immerse themselves in new environments.
Each shoot becomes a story of its own, filled with unexpected discoveries and the satisfaction of overcoming obstacles to create beautiful, unique images.
Location Photography
your images and shooting techniques
Natural light and understanding the nuances and how it effects our images
A) We will have classes and Shoot on-Location. Be prepared to shoot on foot in different situations.
Exposure plays into how color is recorded. Working on-location sometimes offers many challenges and exposure difficulties.
B) Understanding the controls on your camera will better prepare you for what's at any given location,
We look at images, critique, computer discussions, assignments and suggestions will be offered to make your images better.
The images we create in these workshops will all be focused on getting you up to speed through settings and controls and composition.

On-Location Photography Workshops and Classes

Travel & Going On-Location
Travel is going on Location & the main take away is being Prepared
Images Created on the Fly
When traveling today bags at the airlines need to be lighter, gear needs to be less... and more effective. Images need to be created on the fly depending on our time at our locations.
We work with you before the big trip to make you more spontaneous, shoot more creatively and see images that you had no idea existed prior to these workshops or classes.

Your Travel Experience Should be Memorable
There is all kind of equipment to buy that promises so much and delivers so little, We cover what kind of digital gear will make your images sparkle as compared to some shooters you may already know.
Many have come to see us prior to the their trips abroad to learn how to shoot all of the afore mentioned methodologies so their travel experience will be lighter, easier, more fun and more memorable because they now have the tools it takes to make it so.

Call Stanwycks Today
Call us today to see if we have an ongoing workshop at this time or we can work with you individually to help you find your inner photographer, who can make images anywhere and fast.

Tools at Your Fingertips
We work on your creative eye and help you see more and that there are images within images...
We cover many of the creative tools that we have at our fingertips to make images tell the story of your latest travel experience. We can show you how to get better exposures so you are not on the computer for hours at time - this can be a daunting experience.

Some Travel is a Once in a Lifetime Experience
This workshop can make all the difference to a once in a life time trip or any trip. Some have traveled to New Orleans and that is the trip they want to create travel photography images for.
Our clients have taken our workshops then have then traveled to India, Africa, Europe South America and have come back with outstanding images with many praises of this workshop or their series of classes.

Be Prepared when going on location or traveling...
Our experience for travel photography comes from traveling all over Europe and working on Cruise ships.
Shooting ships and working on Cruise Ships is the ultimate in travel experience. Everything is on the fly and there is no store to buy new gear while on a ship, only a port when you finally get there... LOL...
Traveling anywhere and overseas gives a photographer a tremendous image pool if they take advantage of seeing what is there and how to take advantage of it.

We Want our Images to reflect our Experiences...
Photography, at its core, is a gateway to fun and excitement, offering a unique way to explore and capture the world around us. Through the lens, we travel to exotic locales, both physically and in our imagination, creating vibrant, captivating images that tell stories of our adventures.
As photographers, we are driven by a sense of curiosity and a desire to see and do more, immortalizing our experiences through our cameras.
However, the thrill of photography can quickly fade if our images fail to reflect the beauty and emotion of the moments we've captured. When our photographs fall short of our expectations, the excitement can diminish, leaving us feeling disheartened.

"Good Images are Why I Coach"
" I want others to get the benefits of my experience so they too can make great images and have something that will be with them forever... Understanding Photography si not easy but a helping voice can fast track you and keep you motivated!"
"I want to help other Photography enthusiasts to make great pictures and feel excited about it!"
Stanwycks Teaches Travel Photography Techniques
We meet in the studio to teach & discuss Tips, Tricks and Photography Do's and Don'ts, Gear and a whole host of things...
If you are going on a trip and are bringing your camera, Make it memorable.
After the trip is over, the photos and the memories are all that's left...
Phone: 228.220.4833

Using your Camera to Tell Stories
Photography in general alludes to fun and excitement. Photography also brings one to many places both in your minds eye and in the actual photograph. We travel to exotic places with the idea in mind to create equally exotic Photographs. We are travelers, we are adventure seekers and we want to see and do more and capture it through our cameras.
However if we don't know how to do it well, take Photographs... all that excitement dies fast when our Photographs don't look like what we felt and saw when we look at them. Good Photography creates a feeling and better photography get us excited. The old cliché that;
"A picture is worth a thousand Words!"

General Information & Rates
Photography Workshops or Classes
- Classes and Location shooting
- Professional Photographer / offer Guidance
- One On One - Workshops or Small Groups
- Camera Guidance While shooting if Needed
- Coaching in Class and on-location
Travel Location Photography Weekend
- Professional Photographer / to work with you
- The Coast Weekend Workshops Available
- Price Depending on Workshop Attractions
- Photo Coaching While Shooting and in Class
- Various locations to Photograph
- On on One or Small Group Workshops
Call Stanwycks Photography today // email: [email protected]
Phone: 228.220.4833 | 504.899.9394
We are happy to discuss what kind of photography you want to work on. We can come up with ideas and suggestions that could be great just for you!
Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks
Various Workshops & Coaching- Full Days, & 2 Days
On-Location Photography, Can Sometimes Prove Challenging,
Stanwycks Location workshop Can Help With That, For Sure!!!
On-Location & Travel Photography Workshops
A Once in A Lifetime Trip is an exciting endeavor, planning, money and the excitement of seeing and experiencing a new place.
Your Images and your camera gives you the ability to keep your memories forever... Bringing the thrill of your wanderlust back home is like unpacking a suitcase of joy!
Sharing your epic tales and clicking through photos with your crew, family and friends... lets you sprinkle a bit of magic on their day and plant the seed of adventure in their hearts.

Seamless Adventures
Embark on a thrilling journey filled with sights, memories, and excitement.
Planning is key to a seamless adventure, from choosing destinations to accommodations and transportation. Each step builds anticipation for a joy-filled escapade of discovery and bliss.
Be ready for Surprise Moments
Embark on an adventure and capture unforgettable moments with a camera to relive the thrill and beauty of epic views, colorful cultures, and surprise moments. Each photo becomes a time-travel ticket back to the excitement of the journey, from sunsets to markets to mountain views, allowing you to revisit the experience even after the trip ends.
Photographs allow you to revisit the thrill long after the journey ends...
Photographs serve as portals that whisk you back to the excitement of your adventure, whether it's capturing sunsets, lively markets, or stunning mountain views. They allow you to revisit the thrill long after your journey ends.
We are passionate about these workshops! It's always exciting to witness our travelers return with their captured moments. They enjoy sharing their experiences, and I understand why because we played a part in creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks
Various Workshops - Days & Weekends
Travel Photography A Journey Remembered Through Your Photographs, Forever...
Workshops, Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available
We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop or class.
Travel Photography Workshops

A Once in A Lifetime Trip, Be Prepared with Camera in Hand....
What Gear to Have
Travel Photography and the Importance of your Images...
Travel & Location Photography can be awesome when knowing what gear to bring, how to pack, and how to create images spontaneously and be prepared for where you are.
Our travel programs go into many elements of Travel Photography and more... preparing you for great images and how to capture the story of your journey.
Memories are Sparkling Gems that you can save forever
Bringing the joy of travel home by sharing stories and photos with friends spreads magic and inspires adventure.
These memories become sparkling gems in your life story, crafting cherished moments from once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Whether through photo albums, travel diaries, or conversations, the buzz of your adventures will always hold a special place in your journey.
Photo Workshop Adventures
Shooting Images for travel....
Why is Travel Photography so Important
- Picking and Packing your Gear for Travel
What lenses to bring.... Workshops, - Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available
- Travel arrangements
- What to see and do
- How to tell our story
- These are just a few things we cover.
Knowing how to travel with your camera can make all the difference to a good trip vs. a bad trip...
We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop or class.
Prepare Your Photography Gear and Yourself...
Attendees should have a Camera, with lenses, laptop or home computer and software which we can discuss before the workshop/class. We will go shoot photographs. It's recommended to wear something comfortable, weather appropriate and closed toe shoes or sneakers.
Workshops on Your Schedule
"Ongoing" means we teach during the week & on weekends, depending on your schedule and ours... We have assignments, We do our best to make it work for you!"